Here is the playlist for tonight's Black Sweater, White Christmas program. It will air on the Mothership, WBCR-lp, 97.7 fm in Great Barrington, Mass at 9 pm Eastern.
You can also stream it live.
I'm excited to be back with another year of Creative Commons/Open Source Christmas music. We are under a Winter Storm Warning tonight, but I will be there to provide the audio cheer...
We'll try to post some of these tunes into the stream during the coming week. It's been a long time since the BSWC crew has been through it's paces. But, it's like riding a bike.
This year's playlist has a lot of ccMixter material. They the Mixter elves have been busy and there is a ton of great holiday music to be had at
ccMixter.org. Thank you to one and all mixters.
BSWChristmas intro 2009 - die weihnachtshasser
Christmas Trees (Ain't Getting Shorter) - Kirkoid
BSWChristmas intro set 2009 - Chester
Merry Christmas Darling - Fudge
Bottle, Bugles, Bright Shinny Bells - Lushy
Bye Bye Snow (Hello Snow Version DOF remix) - Bobby Baby
Everything's Dead Pretty When it Snows - Pete Green
Kisses On Lips ( The Mistletoe Mix ) - Loveshadow
Peace on Earth - wellman
Gloria (angel mix w/DoKashiteru) - Snowflake
The Holly and the Ivy (Wintersea) (ft Lisa Debendictis - Gurdonark
My Little Soldier - ditto ditto
PEace (ft. Snowflake) - Loveshadow
Christmas Eve At Midnight - Lee Rosevere
song-jungle bells jupiter bells - bongolong
Dubbish Rubbish Christmas - morgantj
It Came Upon a Boogie Night - fourstones
Tannenbaum Balm, featuring Nebe ... 2:52 ccMixter Gurdonark
easter - iermoc
FilipinoChristmas - Frank Delima
Jesus Christ is Comin to Town - bongolong
Der Weihnachtsmann (BongiBong-Remix) - Die drei Lenöre
kommt kein weihnachtsmann - die weihnachtshasser