New release today on WM Recordings WM048, Together by Happy Elf. This is a great release. Analogue Synthesizer Heaven, liberal 80s reference brought nicely into the next century, tight composition, fun, and ridiculous. Love it!
-- ss7
Black Sweater, White Cat is the home of the One-a-Day Project. BSWC puts a focus on Creative Commons or copyleft music from around the internet and the world. Playlists, podcast feed, links, topical posts, random thoughts. Thanks for listening.
Jul 31, 2006
Jul 22, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist for 07.22.06
Here is the audio file.
Ma foi by Abdou Day
Jaoranary [Malagasy version] (feat. Lego) by Abdou Day
See my people by METISSE
Earth Rightful Ruler (CD Mix 2 by Messian Dread
argument by Disrupt
Truth And Freedom in Dub by Blaminack meets Messian Dread
Every other day by METISSE
Powerdub by SMILEY
IK+ by disrupt
Mek Dub Not War (Soulfyre Deejays Remix) by isodyne
Sternenwelt by Mikromops
fire and roll by RMX
Hauptkommissar Dub by Doc
Bauhelm Dub by disrupt
fbs fonky bledy style by RMX
J'ai connu des man by Systylé
Cule Cule Bom Bom by Kepay
Si Soy, Yo by Kepay
Sans Regrets by Dubphil
United nations by Drunksouls
Yama by Monsieur Z
Ganeia by Monsieur Z
Ma foi by Abdou Day
Jaoranary [Malagasy version] (feat. Lego) by Abdou Day
See my people by METISSE
Earth Rightful Ruler (CD Mix 2 by Messian Dread
argument by Disrupt
Truth And Freedom in Dub by Blaminack meets Messian Dread
Every other day by METISSE
Powerdub by SMILEY
IK+ by disrupt
Mek Dub Not War (Soulfyre Deejays Remix) by isodyne
Sternenwelt by Mikromops
fire and roll by RMX
Hauptkommissar Dub by Doc
Bauhelm Dub by disrupt
fbs fonky bledy style by RMX
J'ai connu des man by Systylé
Cule Cule Bom Bom by Kepay
Si Soy, Yo by Kepay
Sans Regrets by Dubphil
United nations by Drunksouls
Yama by Monsieur Z
Ganeia by Monsieur Z
Jul 15, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist and Audio File for 07.15.06

Jamendo is amazing! I started working my way through my hard drives to put this show together and after a couple of hours I found that the resulting one and a half hours of music were all from Jamendo with only two exceptions. Jamendo is so deep and comprehensive...they cover any mood and there are several moods that are covered in this show. They have really come a long way since Subsystem7 sent me the link about a year ago. I hope you enjoy the show.
If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Le magicien d'Oz by Eva Garcia
Mercader de cometas by LaBarcaDeSua
Cythere by Niconoclaste
Lovely Trip by Niconoclaste
quincailler de style... by thierry blanchard
Superheros by Matthew Tyas
Nada by MC Jack in the Box
Disco trashcan by SILVER666
Ticalon trip by Chelmi
Make me so hot by Poxfil
give a praise by RMX
Stop USA by Dubphil
Soleil noir by Dd le malfrat
grass is green by subatomicglue
Here We Go by Digital Josh
Robot Wars by binar pilot
Estranged Panic by JT Bruce
The blue star by Greg Baumont
Serenity by Lukka
l'angle du mur b y les bas d'anselm
Like you want by littlecaniche
Jul 7, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist and Audio File for 07.08.06

Another interesting aspect of tonight's program is the appearance by two ccmixters with remix versions of the song, Ophelia by Musetta. We have been playing the original Ophelia on this show since we started doing this last fall, but last friday Musetta posted the song to ccMixter and they have been off to the races.
If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
even i by irene bolis
Ophelia by MC Jack in the Box
Defiant & Proud by Justine Electra
Hinge, Door, Et Cetera by Portable Folk Band
Lovesong for Cornerstone Willy by Caligvla's Sisters
Wings of the meditations by La none
Forgive & forget by Rhythm Beating Silence aka RBS
Live in 1789 by Saelynh
Music is Libre by Jane His Wife
Ophelia's Lounge by cdk
Cleaning His Gun by Four Stones
Our Strategy Is Clear by sounddevisor
You Will See That I Won't Agree by Pete V.
Good Touch (Eloi Brunelle Remix) by Alland Byallo
Black Elk Mountain by Twizzle
Stop! by Silence
Fear by Mr. Zack
TheHorrorOhTheHorror by Bike
Speed Up by Pureape
Pulse whomadewho mix by Namosh
Hot Pink, Distorted by 50FOOTWAVE
Shiftless Layabout by Doug & Ray
FU by Reptoids
Indigena (hijo de la selva) by Guarapita
CC Attention in the Print Media (BSWC gets a mention)
WBCR Member and Programmer, Paul Rapp also has a weekly column in Albany's alternative weekly, Metroland and has put together a 2 part series on music from the internet. The second part appears in this week's edition and has some nice words about Creative Commons licenses and BSWC. Good on ya', Paul.
There is a growing body of great music available through Creative Commons licenses, where the artist specifically releases the music on the Web for people to download for free. Why would they do that, you ask? So you will listen to it, dummy! These artists have come to the conclusion that they’d rather have folks actually listen to their music than pitch it to a big label on the slight chance that a label would release it and the even slighter chance that the label would properly promote and distribute it, and the miniscule chance that some radio station might actually play it. Post it, baby, and it’s gone.
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