Chenard Walcker, a friend of the online music world, is slowly recovering from a diabetic coma. His brother reports that he is not physically suffering. He fell into the coma in September, and is now working on speech development and object differentiation. Chenard is the prolific visual and musical collage artist who operates the Free Sample Zone with 58 releases available for download. Chenard also has two releases available on our label and he has contributed to various compilations. So many of us have benefited from and enjoy Chenard's work. This is our chance to repay our sweet friend and to send him our love with a tribute release on WM Recordings.Submissions for the tribute should be sent to WM Recordings by January 31, 2007. They have more information on the tribute page.
Black Sweater, White Cat is the home of the One-a-Day Project. BSWC puts a focus on Creative Commons or copyleft music from around the internet and the world. Playlists, podcast feed, links, topical posts, random thoughts. Thanks for listening.
Dec 28, 2006
Chenard Walcker Tribute
Over a 1000 Links to CC Music in 15 Months
In the coming years, BSWC will continue to support and promote Creative Commons licensed music and the artists that create it. Stay tuned for our ccMixter Extravaganza coming soon. If you have ccMixter favorites that you would like to see included in this special edition of BSWC, please post them in the comments section.
This coming Saturday, we will present an encore broadcast of our Comfort Stand Auld Lang Syne program that included phone interviews with Otis Fodder and Mr. Melvis on the night the final Comfort Stand collection was released (CS 071).
Have a great weekend, be safe, have fun. Happy New Year.
Dec 24, 2006
It's Christmas: BSWChristmas is here
Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Black Sweater, White Cat.
Dec 22, 2006
Black Sweater, White Christmas 2006: Christmas Music with a Creative Commons License

As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
Homemade Christmas Mashup via Freesound by Bilwiss, petrasound, troutstrangler, connum
Merry Christmas Darling by Fudge
Santa's Gone Surfing by Danny Morris
No Fly List by Lee Harris and the Good Time Charlies
Egg-White Christmas by Chester The Chicken
Podsafe Christmas Song by Jonathan Coulton
Auld Lang Syne by The Ronnie Wibbley Disco Machine
Sounds of Christmas at the Tate Modern 22 Dec 2004 by People Like Us
Holiday by gschmidt
Everything's Dead Pretty When it Snows by Pete Green
Bye Bye Snow (Hello Snow Version by DoF) by Bobby Baby
BSWC Promo #1 (short) by Lee Rosevere
Auld Lang Syne by Rene Vis
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town by Bobby Baby
die schildkröte by die weihnachtshasser
Der Weihnachtsmann (BongiBong-Remix) by Die drei Lenöre
jingle bells by hardvoltnine
WXRT - Xmas On The Moon by Gulag Picture Radio
joytotheworldexceptfortheforiegnworkers by nybbl
Never Brought To Mind by Justin M
Auld Lang Syne by Fresh Nelly
Auld Lang Syne (End Is Near Mix) by John Louis Kluck
Auld Lang Syne by Die Dicken Puppen
The Auld Lang Syne Hop by Kaffeinik
Dec 17, 2006
The Almost Christmas Show: BSWC Audio for 12.16.06
This show featured the BSWC debut of Bobby Baby. We had a few Bobby Baby remixes. Also of note on this program was Die Drei Lenore and their excellent Christmas tunes...I really liked the shaving cream song.
Dec 15, 2006
Not Christmas, Yet: Playlist for BSWC 12.16.06

As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.
Grant Robertson over at CC:365 has a nice little primer on how-to subscribe to podcasts. If you have any questions on using an RSS feed it is very useful.
Shovellin' by Lee Rosevere
Bye Bye Snow (Hello Snow Version by DoF) by Bobby Baby
Mein Mann by Doc
Japanese for Travellers by Nood
Alcoolique (Rock mix) by la Blanche
Der Weihnachtsmann (BongiBong-Remix) by Die drei Lenöre
Bobby Rupert's High Voltage Disco Remix by Bobby Baby
La dana de limmigrant by La Bundu Band
Rude Boots by Burning Babylon
Sensi Addict by Mikey Murka
Smile by Gurdonark
Disconnecting People (Serge Tereshkine Remix) by Uniquetunes
Lads are fun (Drei Farben House "Boy In The Cardig... by Bobby Baby
Christmas Cancelled by Acclivity via Freesound
Arabian Chupito by Manolo Camp
Djinn by Solace
Slow Down (Remix) by Uniquetunes
Rasierschaum by Die drei Lenöre
ophelia´s next goodbye by audiomesh
Orang-U-Tango-[work...] by GOLDEN APPLE CORPS
Hyper Tension by Liquid Zen
Dec 10, 2006
Fresh Audio File: Here is last night's show today!
Dec 9, 2006
From South Africa to Norway: Playlist for BSWC 12.09.06
This week the sharing continued all week long thanks to Victor Stone (pictured at right) and the Friends of ccMixter News Feed. We are all about sharing at BSWC. Catch the BSWC feed and see what you are missing.
Meanwhile, Enjoy the show.
As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.

Grant Robertson over at CC:365 has a nice little primer on how-to subscribe to podcasts. If you have any questions on using an RSS feed it is very useful.
PnP (Treatment) by fourstones
Tamanquero ft. Marimba by Whispa
Festival Finale!! by Whispa
So_Far_Away by Electric_Seaweed
Her Private Playground by Quallofill
Forbidden love (single version) by The Longing
Sweet Life by ASHWAN
Cuckoo by Lisa DeBenedictis en Marco Raaphorst
Cuckoo (lonely remix) by shockshadow
Revolve by His Boy Elroy
Envie De Rien (Abox J remix) by Abox J
Fourstones Funk Express by teru
We doen het zo by Zwarte Plein Crew
Misfit by Abox J
oddechy by plazmatikon
I want my star (Nebula Gargantua) by San Blas
Accelerated Lifestyle by Revolution Void
For Those of You Making Some Noise by Fort Minor, Fourstones, teru
counterfeit funk ( the open source conspiracy ) by jsn
The Magic Pill by Moïse
Mier by Monokai
Crawl! (radio edit) by Cezary Ostrowski
godseye by Cezary Ostrowski
keepRinging by theBenzos
She's not there (Philz) RmX by Manolo Camp
LovingDreaming by Nood
Dec 7, 2006
It's that Season: A Happy Puppy Christmas

Definitely, Black Sweater, White Christmas material.
Thanks, Happy Puppy, you have really contributed to my enjoyment of December.
A Happy Puppy Christmas
Dec 6, 2006
Candy on the Mind or is it Candy Mind?: BSWC Audio File for 11.18.06
Dec 4, 2006
What a night! Here is the audio file for BSWC 12.02.06
Dec 2, 2006
New Discoveries Abound: Tonight's BSWC Playlist with Links

As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.
Grant Robertson over at CC:365 has a nice little primer on how-to subscribe to podcasts. If you have any questions on using an RSS feed it is very useful.
Who Am I To Disagree(Minima) (ft. Magda Szukics) by MiNiMaL_aRT
The Vishnu Cycle (Remix) by fourstones
Three Magic Words by Fauve
A Beautiful Shopping Day by Instrumental Quarter
Snail by Earworm
Kill Electro Kill by Neon Black Widow
ok, so the ninjas went to space... (12" mix) by Psilodump
Can't Stand My Radio by Ugartek
Sensi Addict by Mikey Murka
Space machine by René Vis
Arcade Addict by disrupt
My MySpace by Happy Elf
Columbo in Africa by NK
sauda deeep undacova (Dr Dub Remix) by Volfoniq
Velvetman by Ton Rückert
Hard Moon (ft. Alfonso Perez) by Pitx
Eternal Track by Alec Troniq
Who the F is Tyler Durden by NK
Assassination Postcard feat. BJ Cole on steel guit... by Zero Ping
Allnighter by Liquid Laughter Lounge Quartet
He Has Unborn Eyes On Long Tinsel Stalks by I'm Being Good
Dec 1, 2006
Another CC Remix Site: The World Can't Have Enough of Them
The model that Remix Fight uses is implied by their name, that is to say it is competitive. Here is what their FAQ has to say:
Remix Fight! is a remixing community open to everyone. We get people to send us source files for their songs and then make that source available for download. People download that source, make a remix, and then e-mail an mp3 of their mix to us. Then, we post all the mp3s we’ve received and set up a poll so that visitors to the site can listen to the mixes and vote on which one they like the best. After a couple weeks, we close the poll and announce a winner.Here is MC Jack in the Box's remix of Ajai-Dilruba from Fight #0049:Most of the songs that we remix are submitted by members of the community or other artists who are making particular songs available for free. By submitting a mix to Remix Fight! you are agreeing to make it available under the Creative Commons Music Sharing License, which basically says that people can download, distribute and perform (i.e. webcast) your mix without paying you any money. Follow the link for the full description. Basically, we just want to be able to host a copy of your mix so that we can keep a public archive of all the past fights.
The loops/source provided by Remix Fight are licensed under the Creative Commons NonCommercial-Sampling+ License, which gives you permission to make a remix and distribute it, provided you don’t charge people for it. If you want to put your mix on a CD that you plan to sell, it would be a good idea to contact the artist of the original track and ask for permission or work out some sort of arrangement. Communication of this type is not within the scope of the Remix Fight admins. Often, you can find the original artist on the forum and contact them with a private message.
The original song retains its copyright and is not included in the same license as the loops. This may sound silly, but the distinction is this: You may distribute, perform and otherwise make freely available your remix, but if the original song has a copyright that prohibits free distrubution or public performance, the fact that you were allowed to make a remix does not mean that you have the right to freely distribute or publicly perform the original work. For the most part, the songs we remix are freely available anyway, so you can pretty much disregard this paragraph.
MC Jack in the Box - The Ballywood Remix
Nov 27, 2006
BSWC 08.19.06: Subsystem's Baby
Enjoy this short trip back in time.
BSWC 08.19.06
Nov 25, 2006
BSWC 11.25.06: Variety and Mystery on a Night in November

With pleasure, I present this evening's program. "Variety" and "Mystery" are the bywords tonight. Please enjoy.
As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.
Grant Robertson over at CC:365 has a nice little primer on how-to subscribe to podcasts. If you have any questions on using an RSS feed it is very useful.
Kripo Munchen by Doc
Une soire chez clothilde coureau by macmartin
Glucklich by Sir Oliver
Haut aus Orange by bergen
sushiforbeginners by Emanuele Napolitano
Dawnbreaker by DJ Tripswitch
Rainy Day by Tatsu
i can ride by thor
The point of view by altor dj
Shiva by kolslok
hunting the dugong by theWell
ton in ton by christian walt
Groovy Saudi by Daniela
BSWC Promo #1 (short) by Lee Rosevere
Fishes Wishes by Daniel Carew
Digital Data by ASHWAN
Child of The Union by La Belle Alliance
Daerden,c'est le Gainsbourg de la politique by 433 erOs
Saudade by Telmo A.
Terroriste terrorism by Alchimie
Méchant by TORP
Nov 20, 2006
Clearing the Backlog: Here is 10.28.06 (Germany and Beyond)
Nov 18, 2006
BSWC 11.18.06: CC Music to Challenge Biotic's Pronunciation

As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
Le petit Robert by En attendant Mado
J'chuis jeune by En attendant Mado
Kusturica by Dorothy's Magic Bag
1- show me remix by LEGO
Ablativus Absolutus by LUXUS
Feelin by DeLaFunk
Strange Little World (ft. Distorted Vibe) by DistortedViBe
Jakten på guldpokalerna by Liquid Stranger
Bunnyrabbits, Satan, Cheese And Milk by Stark Effect
Skolavslutning '90 by Ninjaspark
2012 living prophecy (ft. spinningmerkaba Snowflak... by Tomas PhUsIoN
Agent Machiko (shinjuku mix) by Paul Mahoux
PROMO-Chillcast-60sec by Anji Bee
Evening star by Andromeda Island
nighttrain from zuerich by mabafu
Under the Stars by Likewise
morning jungle fortress by subatomicglue
Antti the elephant by Psilodump
the_deal_remains_the_same by drivealone
Ghost Message by Simon V
Sane by The Korvstoppers
Nov 11, 2006
BSWC 11.11.06: More fun from the cat's lair (tonight's playlist)

Noch Svetla by Jamuna (Djemma Khalid)
FOUA by Municipale Balcanica
Demande-Moi by Christophe Bosch
Ophelia's Song (DNA Remix) (ft. Musetta) by DNA
Slinky Internationalist by Frivolous vs DJG
Drinking by DJ Drinks
Nimm das Geld ** by Cappuccino
Baby instrumental by ARTISANS of WAR
Don't ever come Back by Starfrosch
Hello by Mike Steele
A Magic Afternoon (Hide Tosh Remix) by Parov Stelar
I Don't Believe Me by Gorowski
Call Me by Just Banks
deep forrest by centerpole []
I Don't Care - feat. Dani Cargo by Andy Korg
Parasite feat. Starfrosch (LedZep remix 1) by Andi McLoud
Opium Noir (Another World Mix) by Realaze
Accelerated Lifestyle by Revolution Void
Big Ass Distraction Party by fourstones
Me Likee by Eloi Brunelle
Nov 6, 2006
On Day 310 CC:365 meets Pureape

"Here is another Swiss connection for CC:365. Pureape is from Zurich and releases their music on the netlabel, Alpinechic. Speed Up is a punchy, little electro tune to heat up your Tuesday.
From their Myspace page:
Pureape has two shows coming up in December. Look for them December 6 in Fribourg and then December 9 in Buttisholz. You can also hear more Pureape this coming Saturday on Black Sweater, White Cat."
Pureape - Speed Up (2:32)
Lisa Debenedictis and YouTube
A search for Lisa pulls up a handful of videos with attribution to her music. This is one of the great things about CC...good CC music can become a social meme and take off...In Gurdonark's words:
Lisa DeBenedictis' song Tigers appears o Lisa DeBenedictis' song Tigers appears on her album Tigers from Lisa is one of the most remixed artists on the 'net, because she kindly posts her a capellas with Creative Commons licenses for others to remix. One of those remixes of her voice, "Brilliant Daze", by professional hip hop musician and producer Pat Chilla the Beat Gorilla, even found its way onto a lonelygirl15 video.
This music video is itself a kind of Creative Commons visual remix. The photographs, which are credited in the film, are all by artists who kindly granted BY or BY SA licenses to use their work. This kind of sharing makes for a Creative Commons (see which is a wonderful alternative to major-corporate-hegemony musical culture.
The visuals of this film are therefore licensed Creative Commons BY SA, while the music is BY SA NC, which permits non-commercial uses.
Thanks to Lisa and her husband B. for allowing use of photos of her in the film.
Later this week we'll take a look at some of the lonelygirl15 stuff.
Nov 5, 2006
Biotic at CC:365: Monk Turner is Day 309

"Monk Turner is a friend of mine at He sent me a message a few weeks ago asking what sort of payola it takes to get included on Black Sweater, White Cat. It just takes some love, baby. I busted out this tune a week or so ago and wow!
Monk has a ton of material at He bills himself as a "Galactic Defender of the Concept Album."
About Monk Turner:
Monk Turner does not write songs. He writes albums.
If you only listen to a song or two, you're missing the point.
Monk began his music career in the early 1990s as a principal songwriter for several groups. It was during this Dark Age that "The Hit Single" phenomenon began to decimate popular music.
Having his own soul saved by rock 'n' roll (think Pink Floyd's The Wall, The Who's Tommy and Rush's 2112) Monk has dedicated his life to becoming a galactic defender of the Concept Album.
Today's version of She's the American Hippie Girl is from a live performance recorded at KXLU in Los Angeles.
Monk Turner_She's the American Hippie Girl (5:10)"
BSWC 11.04.06: Boy, that was fast...
Nov 4, 2006
BSWC 11.4.06: Hats off to Starfrosch!

As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
what_you_say by starfrosch
Musik by kru$h feat. centerpole
pluie_en_bourgogne_echo_mix by Centerpole
last night by centerpole
I Consume Anti-Consumption by Vidian
Bubbles For Bellboys by Otis Fodder
La danse de Fatima by Ehma
Andology (Remix) by Bangguru
Betty Ford by 18 Cappuccino
Time by René Vis
Starguitar by Starfrosch
Absolutely smoking cigars by Kukkiva Kunnas
Serie 3 (McLoud Wall Remix) by Starfrosch
Please me by Kukkiva Kunnas
Down on the floor by Happy Elf
What Is Love by Electro
r_evolution by starfrosch
trace_of_the_sun by Centerpole
Kids by DJ Drinks
sevenhundredbeats by duncan_beattie
Clock Works by Seiji Toda
Don't you (ft. s;thaens/j.dewachter) by stefsax
plastic by DAF
Movement Revolution by Cranston Foundation
attaque la banque by Miss Helium
From Bern, Switzerland, It's Starfrosch!

"I don't completely understand what they are doing over there in Bern, Switzerland with this Starfrosch concept, but that has not kept me from entirely enjoying what they do. It's a podcast, a web 2.0 net community, a Creative Commons music name it, it seems like they have it going on...
Here is something that I stumbled on while putting together tonight's Black Sweater, White Cat. (This song made it into Set #4). I tend to like tunes that include a touch of the electronic along with that organic guitar sound. Yesterday's Day 307-Seiji Toda-Clock Works had that going for it as well.
Here is how the Starfroschers describe what they do and this release, da schau her, on
starfrosch is a collective from bern (.ch) bringing us a
surprisingly popesque and very playful release.
in addition starfrosch is also a platform for podcasting, netaudio-news, networking and a gamecenter. according to douglas adams "hitchhikers guide to the galaxy", frogstar world b is the planet which plans the restaurant at the end of the universe.
that's where we all would like to go, to hear jeannie casey (voc) and carina schilling (voc) unfold their voices, and sing themself into the souls of the listeners. while christoph geissbühler (piano), markus koller (laptop), adriano schneider (guitar) and daniel schärer (bass) are concentrating on groove and harmony during their recording sessions. those guys don't talk about musical biographies, but instead feel like they were born with their instruments and play. and their tonal diversity is best reflected in the music.
It is great, they are great.
Starfrosch-Starguitar (4:33)
P.S. If you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to the WBCR-LP stream and hear BSWC unfold live.
This song posted by Biotic and I approve of this message."
Nov 3, 2006
Day 307 over at CC:365

"Clock Works appeared on two Black Sweater, White Cat playlists during the month of October. I'm completely in love with this song. If you happen on this page and don't subscribe to the CC:365 feed you owe it to yourself to click and download this song. But, what the hell, subscribe and take full advantage of the CC:365 experience.
According to Music Podcast, this is Mr. Toda's second solo release. This song is on a release called There She Goes. His first release was "Hello World" ten years ago.
Podshower has this to say about Mr. Toda and his work:
Famous for being a modernist, the unique Lyricism that lingers from his work for some reason makes one cry. His Latest work along with his sophisticated song-writing is symbolic with the melodic electronica scene of Europe. If there is a music folklore of the computer world in the first half of 21st century, his work will be the one, Masterpiece. In attendance will be extravagant musicians such as Yasuyuki Shimizu(Sax), Keiichi Suzuki(whistler), Saeko Suzuki(Dr. Chorus).
There is also a fantastic little video of the song available at
This song posted by Biotic and I approve of this message.
Seiji Toda-Clock Works (5:13)
P.S. Now it is back to to see what other joy they have for me..."
Nov 2, 2006
BSWC 10.14.06: I really liked this show, listening to it while I write this.
Oct 28, 2006
BSWC 10.28.06: Germany and Beyond

If you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm EST on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
Ein Zeichen von ihr by David Bowman
Ein Bier by David Bowman
Don't Add Up by Ryan Smith
Drive me crazy by Deus
Strip Tease by Christophe Bosch
Time to Take Out the Trash (bill berry mix) by williamberry
time is still the greatest thief by Marc Ashmann feat. mary bookwood
Clock Works by Seiji Toda
China Town by Butter Flow
BradSucksDirtbagBlackberrysDirtbeatRemix by bmth07
Civilisation (Unbrushed Mix) by DJ Shox feat. Stasoline
Le groove de décembre by SpatzAttack
Truc 04 by Xcyril
BSWC Promo #1 (short) by Lee Rosevere
Regim Liquid by REGIM LIQUID
Supergirl (ft. Dr. Gore2000) by dr_gore2000
She's The American Hippie Girl by Monk Turner
La bicyclette by DIY-note
Jabberwocky by Evan
Sixty nine (Dark tekno session) by BLUEMISS
N.Y Kirtan remix by Dj Vraja Dhama das
For night clubbers by OGG VORBIS
°�0Oohyeah! by MANIAX MEMORI
Love Scene by Arietys
Oct 27, 2006
Tattoo - Beatmapper - Birdsong Remixes
This one features "her highness" who I've always thought was great. Thank you Beatmapper and her highness.
Oct 21, 2006
BSWC: Jamendo Tribute Show Airs Again

- El Cuarto de Tula by SONGO 21 from LLEGO SONGO 21 !
- Piensa by Kolokon from Rock'n'Roll Patxuko
- en silence ton corps by les bas d'anselm from résurrection
- Anais' remix by LEGO from remix&collaborations
- Aya by Monsieur Z from Rê
- Radio Moon by Kvaleoun from Maxi Experimentation
- The rebel call by Kolokon from Rock'n'Roll Patxuko
- Ma foi by Abdou Day from Libre
- Bahbushska by Systylé from Loin d'en naître
- Dubougnoule ( Rene Naba/Eric B... by Zabaniet from Des Mots De Zabaniet
- Psychotropique by Kopasetik from Warped Dimensions
- FreeTibet by misterjok from Made in Auzole
- Dee Tea by Dee Mond from Dee Mond EP
- Arabian Night (Original Mix) by DJ Mora from Marrakech Express
- Mr Parker and Mr Smith by Poxfil from Boards of Pays-Bas
- Dubamatic by Paiheux from Enfance
- Ce que mon art te dira by Kaiser IK from Et la lumière fut
- Faut qu'j'rebondisse by Bern Li from Faut qu'j'rebondisse
- No names before the games by John Sore & his Afro-Safety from Eleven funky love songs
- I love you and you love me by DRDJEKILL from DRDJEKILL 3
- Bouge toi by Sophie Cappere from Parenthèse enchantée
- La truite by Siegfried Gautier from Emilie & les acariens
- Dubougnoule ( Rene Naba/Eric B... by Zabaniet from Des Mots De Zabaniet
Oct 20, 2006
BSWC Podex #009: The Random Becomes Deliberate

Music in this Podex includes Le groove de decembre by SpatzAttack, Truc 04 by Xcyril and Regim Liquid by Regim Liquid. All tracks are available at
Oct 14, 2006
BSWC 10.14.06: A little of this, a little of that

Don't forget, if you are in the net neighborhood from 9:00 to 11:00 Eastern (Greenwich -5), stop by and listen to the stream.
La pauvre enfant by Julien PETITJEAN
Tom Cruise Scares Me by David Ippolito
bonus et générique by Au Lit les Mômes
Clock Works by Seiji Toda
the spank (cycletribe - leftmix remix) by geistfrei
Like a love song by Happy Elf
My MySpace by Happy Elf
Am Ende der Welt by Phour Trakk
Minor Groove by In Faded Glory
Very Dirty (Pureape Remake feat Joliemoche) by Pureape
Sans commentaire by Kaiser IK
Bonjour tristesse by Zengineers
Allonge dans un Pre en Automne by la Blanche
Outang_swing by Manu
sichtbeton - in staedten by sichtbeton
Yama by Monsieur Z
Work by Lash
After Party by Tim & Puma Mimi
Get Yer Cap On by Dan & Moe
Onbesli by Happy Elf
Baron Bon Dimanche by LUXUS
Dead Can by In Faded Glory
Open Space by You Are My Everything
Oct 10, 2006
Black Sweater, White Cat features Music from Jamendo
Oct 7, 2006
BSWC 10.7.06: CC Music from the Heart
Here is the playlist for tonight. It is absolutely amazing how deep the Creative Commons music well is and if you are new to CC music come and visit, explore these pages, sample a show or two. These artists are thoughtful, talented and they just plain get it. Don't forget, if you are in the net neighborhood from 9:00 to 11:00 Eastern (Greenwich -5), stop by and listen to the stream.
Song Of the Sahara by Beth Quist
Sweet Dissonance by Anup
O Sapo do Rio Vermelho by Stonkas y Congas
Bagamoyo (Radio edit) by Casiokids
Deja Correr by Mutandina
Mezza Messa by Falik
Mwana kapinga by YELIZ K.
Dans un monde vert by arthak
Flee Out Of Her My People by Messian Dread
conspiracy_theories by Messian Dread
lifelong fiction by aphilas
Falling by Twizzle
The Shnay Speaks by Cagey House
Yellow_Chaos by Realaze
Casamojo part three by DOC PILOT
Music Is Music by Perky Chap
New Seclusion by Rocky Mountain Funk Paul Keeley
101 by ne:o
Completly mysticism by Dr Kuch
Bernard 6:22 by Eloi Brunelle
HerHeroHeroin by Mepa
Electrokitschintersideral by littlecaniche
Sep 29, 2006
BSWC 9.30.06 Audio File now available
Sep 22, 2006
BSWC Podex #7: The Missing Link

The set concludes with something from a release called Kraut Fuer Alle by Schäng Pfui & Mätes B. The tune is called Ich bin ein Muehlen Koelsch. These guys are from Cologne, Germany and the release is a must download. Enjoy the missing link.
Sep 19, 2006
BSWC Podex #8: Enjoy some nice music

Here is a quick 4 song Podex. It begins with Irene Bolis from Italy, continues with the Portable Folk Band out of Philly. Next it features two artists from, Ashwan and cdk. It works for me. I hope you enjoy. Podcast Extra #8.
Sep 16, 2006
BSWC 9.16.06: CC Music from Around the World (The one-year anniversary show)

If you are in the net neighborhood from 9:00 to 11:00, stop by and listen to the stream.
The Meridian Show by JeffD CLARK
Biomythos by Revolution Void
Jet Set by Kiff'On
Stelle della mia anima (experiment mix) by deejay dav
We Dance The Gerbil Dance (Techno Dance Victim) by David Alexander McDonald
apricot hill by Grace Valhalla
Voyage by Flatlink
Hot Dog by Dean Chris
mh mh mh by plunk
Requiem pour une goutte d'eau a la con by Skandalo Publico
Antwerpen by Mad in H
Opium Noir (Another World Mix) by Realaze
Geodetic Transmissions by Revolution Void
Six eight by sebteix
she is not a human! by Omars Attacks
dance from outer space by Omars Attacks
nebulous advice in july (ft. Ran Dumb Dots. meliss... by Tomas PhUsIoN
Ich bin ein Muehlen Koelsch by Schaeng Pfui
Amiga Resurection by Marti van Lin
Bauhelm Dub by disrupt
Wüste Gobbi by LUXUS
never get out by Tomas PhUsIoN
Sep 14, 2006
Tout en Un : Crisp Funk
Yep, that's right, that nice, crisp funk sound. These guys have it and it is nice to hear. 14 tracks on the release. Give Midnight Funk a spin and that should give you an idea of whether this one is for you.
Sep 12, 2006
BSWC Podex #006--Bringing back the podex

For those of you that subscribe to the feed or those of you who might, what do you think? Shorter, internet-only podcasts, reworked 2-hour broadcasts, or both? Leave a note or send a note to
Here is the playlist for Podex #006
Tic-Tac by Kvaleoun
Gare de l'Est by Arno DOXOUND
Dee Tea by Dee Mond
wearing nothing but attitude by baroquedub
Son Chetverty: Zapah Leta i Apelsinov by Zmeerozy
Sep 9, 2006
Replay of 2/18/2006
Subsystem7 out.
Sep 2, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist for 09.02.06

Oh man, busy week for CC music here at the BSWC zone. Been blogging CC:365 all week and now it's time for the show. Here is the playlist. Hopefully, links will follow and get updated before showtime.
If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Hay mujeres que quitan el sueno mejor que un cafe by Micko
Depuis toi by justine jefferson
Superheros by Matthew Tyas
Janglinserbulli by LUXUS
Stranger From Below by Trifonic by Lisa DeBenedictis
gimmie by Mr Nuts
Jazzy by Mando Mango
Intro by My Name Is Fantastik
Anarchy Of The Rockin Clan by My Name Is Fantastik
Shake by littlecaniche
lounge-love_satellite[remix] by elektrohaendler
memories of summer / goodbye August by tatsu
Headphonetic by Revolution Void
Pizzicato Suite (I Like This Pizzicato Suite) by Rasterfahndung
Storm Riders by Realaze
I like that! by Bep
Intelligencia Test (feat. Sam-A) by Monsieur Z
Roots song by Bep
After the rain by Christian Walt
what's a boy to do? by hachi
Aug 25, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist for 8.26.06

I'm Back. Here is my first show out of the box after vacation. Subsystem should be in studio for tonight's show. Look out world. [Thanks to Michael Boresch for his CC licensed Flickr photo of a painting of Bond].
If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Time to Take Out the Trash (bill berry mix) by williamberry
ophelias symphony by Tomas PhUsIoN
POST YA PELLAS(KongamatoRemix) by DJ Kryptide
Fixing My Brain (bill berry mix) by williamberry
Supergirl (ft. Dr. Gore2000) by dr_gore2000
ghost world by Acradian Burn
Midnight Mass (In July) by PorchCat
Zugzwang (ft. P and cdk) by Gurdonark
nebulous advice in july (ft. Ran Dumb Dots. meliss... by Tomas PhUsIoN
Our Electric Friends by David Alexander McDonald
Kisses (.v3 Edit) by Frivolous vs DJG
Matic by Homme D'aimant
Twin (Paul Keeley mix) by Dublee
Re-Grouve by Eloi Brunelle
Death To Democracy by 37hz
Super Dance Party by The Bran Flakes
Mistaken Identiy ( bad rap edition) by Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
Virtual_Freak by beatgorilla
Before And After [] by Yue
Febo Dance Hall Nights by hobby williams
Aug 13, 2006
Noon Gun in Halifax
Had a cup of coffee with Grant Robertson and Chris Campbell of CC:365 fame here in Halifax yesterday. If you are ever in Halifax, then I suggest a cup of joe at the Mud Room. Nice little place.
Subsystem is back with a brand new, fresh BSWC next Saturday. Oh, the anticipation.
Aug 6, 2006
Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick 2003_052

Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick 2003_052
Originally uploaded by Harrogate.
Vacations are wonderful.
On vacation
Jul 31, 2006
Calling all Happy Elf fans...
-- ss7
Jul 22, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist for 07.22.06
Ma foi by Abdou Day
Jaoranary [Malagasy version] (feat. Lego) by Abdou Day
See my people by METISSE
Earth Rightful Ruler (CD Mix 2 by Messian Dread
argument by Disrupt
Truth And Freedom in Dub by Blaminack meets Messian Dread
Every other day by METISSE
Powerdub by SMILEY
IK+ by disrupt
Mek Dub Not War (Soulfyre Deejays Remix) by isodyne
Sternenwelt by Mikromops
fire and roll by RMX
Hauptkommissar Dub by Doc
Bauhelm Dub by disrupt
fbs fonky bledy style by RMX
J'ai connu des man by Systylé
Cule Cule Bom Bom by Kepay
Si Soy, Yo by Kepay
Sans Regrets by Dubphil
United nations by Drunksouls
Yama by Monsieur Z
Ganeia by Monsieur Z
Jul 15, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist and Audio File for 07.15.06

Jamendo is amazing! I started working my way through my hard drives to put this show together and after a couple of hours I found that the resulting one and a half hours of music were all from Jamendo with only two exceptions. Jamendo is so deep and comprehensive...they cover any mood and there are several moods that are covered in this show. They have really come a long way since Subsystem7 sent me the link about a year ago. I hope you enjoy the show.
If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Le magicien d'Oz by Eva Garcia
Mercader de cometas by LaBarcaDeSua
Cythere by Niconoclaste
Lovely Trip by Niconoclaste
quincailler de style... by thierry blanchard
Superheros by Matthew Tyas
Nada by MC Jack in the Box
Disco trashcan by SILVER666
Ticalon trip by Chelmi
Make me so hot by Poxfil
give a praise by RMX
Stop USA by Dubphil
Soleil noir by Dd le malfrat
grass is green by subatomicglue
Here We Go by Digital Josh
Robot Wars by binar pilot
Estranged Panic by JT Bruce
The blue star by Greg Baumont
Serenity by Lukka
l'angle du mur b y les bas d'anselm
Like you want by littlecaniche
Jul 7, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist and Audio File for 07.08.06

Another interesting aspect of tonight's program is the appearance by two ccmixters with remix versions of the song, Ophelia by Musetta. We have been playing the original Ophelia on this show since we started doing this last fall, but last friday Musetta posted the song to ccMixter and they have been off to the races.
If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
even i by irene bolis
Ophelia by MC Jack in the Box
Defiant & Proud by Justine Electra
Hinge, Door, Et Cetera by Portable Folk Band
Lovesong for Cornerstone Willy by Caligvla's Sisters
Wings of the meditations by La none
Forgive & forget by Rhythm Beating Silence aka RBS
Live in 1789 by Saelynh
Music is Libre by Jane His Wife
Ophelia's Lounge by cdk
Cleaning His Gun by Four Stones
Our Strategy Is Clear by sounddevisor
You Will See That I Won't Agree by Pete V.
Good Touch (Eloi Brunelle Remix) by Alland Byallo
Black Elk Mountain by Twizzle
Stop! by Silence
Fear by Mr. Zack
TheHorrorOhTheHorror by Bike
Speed Up by Pureape
Pulse whomadewho mix by Namosh
Hot Pink, Distorted by 50FOOTWAVE
Shiftless Layabout by Doug & Ray
FU by Reptoids
Indigena (hijo de la selva) by Guarapita
CC Attention in the Print Media (BSWC gets a mention)
There is a growing body of great music available through Creative Commons licenses, where the artist specifically releases the music on the Web for people to download for free. Why would they do that, you ask? So you will listen to it, dummy! These artists have come to the conclusion that they’d rather have folks actually listen to their music than pitch it to a big label on the slight chance that a label would release it and the even slighter chance that the label would properly promote and distribute it, and the miniscule chance that some radio station might actually play it. Post it, baby, and it’s gone.
Jun 30, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist and Audio File for 07.01.06 (Grant Robertson Interview Included with Every Download)

If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Smoking by Lonah from Pièces
check-mate by loobke from water & boots
My destination by Lizzi from Love and you and I
Resist And Resolution by Liquid Zen from Elements At Loop 10
Cool College Kid by Big Cheez
1- show me remix by LEGO from remix&collaborations
Kashi-Koshi by Mad in H from Kashi-Koshi
je flotte by Bep
Through the Backyards by Au Revoir Simone from Verses of Comfort, Assurance a...
Set music to the moon by _ghost from ccMixter
Fort Minor Folkstoned by DJ Tarquin from ccMixter
ton in ton by christian walt from permanent hangover [id15]
Sternenwelt by Mikromops from Mikromops
New Strut by Dafluke
Lollipop by Motoboiler from Forecast EP
Heaven by Pete V.
Six O'Clock Whispers by vitaminsforyou from Free Fill Specter EP
Secret Fascination by Atomic Tom from Anthems For The Disillusioned
Submarine (featuring Lisa Rein... by Briareus from ccMixter
Le Discours by MAIS 69 ? from MAIS 69?
We Be Gettin' Busy by Hidden_Fortress from ccMixter
Jun 28, 2006
BSWC Friend, Mike Linksvayer (CTO, Creative Commons) on Netsquared Podcast
Jun 27, 2006
BSWC Audio File from 6.24.06 Available
Jun 26, 2006
WM Recordings taking submissions for V/A Compilation
"It's been a while, September 2005, since our theme compilation 'Numerology' was released, and given we in all modesty can safely say it was a modest succes, why not do another one?
The title of the new comp will be 'Mystic Moods', which seemingly is on a New Age theme again. It too will come with a twist, of course it will, we're fairly certain by now you will have learned from our ever growing catalogue that 'different' isn't WM Recordings' trademark for nothing! But actually there's far more to it: religion having a comeback of sorts, the mystical inspired (deadly) action that is hot these days, it really looks like a nerve is touched.
Rules, few rules, though there are some.
Read all info here:
and look around the rest of the website to get an idea of the music we have released so far:
Looking forward to your musical contributions!
best wishes,
Jun 24, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist for 06.24.06

If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Une touche de bonheur by Sophie Cappere from Parenthese Enchantee
J'ai connu des man by Systylé from Loin d'en naître
I Meant Like You by fourstones by
Mission suicide by HYPNOSS from Chapitre 1er
Grand Hotel Piranesi by Emanuele Napolitano
Crash Landing by La Belle Alliance
Arabian Night (Original Mix) by DJ Mora from Marrakech Express
Sans Regrets by Dubphil from Come back
Yes Sir ! by Poxfil from Boards of Pays-Bas
dangerous by from roots from confrontation
For Sheila Behman by The Harvey Girls from The Harvey Girls
Invisible Walls by Revolution Void
Casino (instrumental) by Psychonada from Freedom-e-nation
All Right Now by Pete V.
Garden of the Insane by Delta Zero from The Garden of Insane!
Piknic moderne by Eloi Brunelle from [EPS04] Piknic moderne E.P.
chilltower by Hot Bitch Arsenal
Yep! (Demo version) by Oilboy's aftersun from Oil boiled fantasies
Keep me up al nite by Oilboy's aftersun from Oil boiled fantasies
Summer slammer by Oilboy's aftersun from Oil boiled fantasies
Jun 21, 2006
CC365: Hats Off to Grant Robertson
It has been a lot of fun and very different than compiling a weekly show of 20-24 CC tunes. When you have only one shot you get far more particular. Also, the effort that you put into the post's narrative is much more intense. It takes time and effort. My hat is off to you, Grant Robertson. You put together Day 1 through Day 142. It's a real service to both the artists in the CC community and to all of us that continue to be amazed by the depth of creativity that exists in that community.
Can you feel the love?
Microsoft to Offer CC License Option in Office Applications

"Currently, some Web-based tools let people associate a Creative Commons license with information. But Microsoft is the first vendor to embed a license-selection option inside its applications, said Lawrence Lessig, the founder of the Creative Commons and a Stanford Law School professor.
"This is important to us because a huge amount of creative work is created inside the Office platform. Having a simple way to add Creative Commons licenses obviously helps us spread those licenses much more broadly," Lessig said."
Jun 18, 2006
European Podcasters Team Up To Lobby WIPO
From Blogger News Network via Boing Boing:
UK Podcasters Association has been joined by the Irish Podrepbod and German Podcastverband to lobby WIPO in a pan-european effort to assert podcasters' rights at the WIPO meeting in Barcalona Wednesday, June 21st.
There is an online petition here - the text follows:
To: World Intellectual Property organization (WIPO)
This is a petition to the World Intellectual Property organization (WIPO) regarding the Broadcast Treaty as it affects podcasting and podcasters.
This treaty as it stands gives broadcasters (not creators or copyright holders) the right to tie up the use of audiovisual material for 50 years after broadcasting it, even if the programs are in the public domain, Creative Commons licensed, or not copyrightable.
We consider this to be an infringement of the right of the originator of a work to determine its form of licence, future usage and copyright status.
Further, the extension of the Broadcast Treaty to include Podcasting does not take into account the many forms of the new medium of podcasting which do not correspond to broadcast models. We uphold our right to be different from broadcasting and therefore subject to legislation which takes these differences into account.
We, podcast creators, producers and supporters of the global podcasting community, earnestly request that WIPO respect, acknowledge and include the following in any revision of the Broadcast Treaty:
- Broadcaster copyright cannot overrule podcast copyright or other licence
- Podcasting is not broadcasting and the two must not be conflated (forced together)
- The wishes of the creator regarding their rights in their work must be respected
- Creative Commons licences, GPU licences, "free forever" licences (in whatever form) are legitimate and must be upheld in perpetuity.
BSWC's CCMixter Special Edition
Jun 16, 2006
BSWC Artist Playlist for 06.17.06

If you are in the Net Neighborhood between 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm EDT, you are welcome to tune into our live streamcast. Thanks for listening.
Noite de Carnaval by Code (vocal tracks by Cibelle)
Softer Silk by Dj Lenin
Revolve by His Boy Elroy
Deep Down In My Heart by fourstones
The Next Step by Trifonic
Action at a Relaxation Spa by shockshadow
Future Retro activity (instrum... by Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
(hidden) Trifonic Blast 2 (rem... by lethal
Wadidyusay (Beatgorilla's 28 g... by Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
The Revolution (Will Not Be Blogged) by
mikolaj_met_trzaska_pori (Love is the Greatest Alchemy) by HPP/G3
A Little Like Love by Falik
Crawl! (radio edit) by Cezary Ostrowski
Serenity by Lukka
You Can't Stop It by Przypadeck
Mr Tommy by phusion
The Space Bandidos by Gorowksi
I swim (radio edit) by Cezary Ostrowski
borderline-DU-remix by bradsucks
Making Me Nervous (Cezary Ostrowski mix) by Brad Sucks
Bored on Your Backside! by trifonic
BelowLambourgino-teru-remix by... by Lisa DeBenedictis
counterfeit funk (wired freest... by jsn