The fourth BlocSonic compilation, netBloc vol. 4: Soundtrack for the Coming Revolution was released overnight. As I write this in a hotel in Boston I'm listening to another excellent collection of net music from BSWC favored sources such as archive.org, Jamendo and ccMixter.
A couple of the tunes have been featured on these pages...call that synergy.
The item from Maniax Memori really stood out for me. A track with some raw, but restrained power that you can feel building from the first note.
BlocSonic is an excellent project. They put together a mediated collection of net music, package it very nicely and do a good job with distribution. It is an excellent exercise in tastemaking in the CC licensed, netlabel world. Thanks, Michael.
Maniax Memori - It's Not Jazzz
This is a great track. Nice find biotic!!
Michael at BlocSonic gets the credit for this one. Excellent release MG!
Thanks Biotic! Thanks to you as well for the many great finds and for a great weekly show.
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