May 16, 2007

BSWC One-a-Day: Daghoti - Percipience fiction

My hunger for Creative Commons exotica can never be quelled. Yesterday, May 15 2007, WM Recordings released a various artists release called Mystic Moods [WM063]. Featuring some of my all time favorites like Jan Turkenburg, Lee Rosevere, and Happy Elf and also featuring a number of artists that I have never heard before. The notes summarize what this release delivers with "it's music for your undisputed pleasure...!" - I can't dispute that!!

I chose a track that I felt had a particularly good exotica feel to it, a little sex, a little spoken word, rich with stimulating sounds. Percipience fiction will stimulate you. This my first time listening to the work of Daghoti, and I am now digging for more. On WM he has a release from 2005 called i've got braces, too! [WM029] that you should check out.

Overall Mystic Moods is awesome! Make sure to download the entire experience. WMRecordings is consistently delivering interesting, fresh, and exceptionally thought provoking music - we're lucky to have such a netlabel.

Daghoti - Percipience fiction

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