This tune is thick and cool.
Florian runs the Politicide netlabel in Germany. Psycho Beach Party comes from a release called King of Verleiren [am038]. It was released by Acedia Music.
Dig it.
Florian Filsinger - Psycho Beach Party
Black Sweater, White Cat is the home of the One-a-Day Project. BSWC puts a focus on Creative Commons or copyleft music from around the internet and the world. Playlists, podcast feed, links, topical posts, random thoughts. Thanks for listening.
Le groupe The Crisding Bladading est fondé par La Fresto en 1994. Les premiers morceaux de cette structure évolutive sont écrits à base de peignes, souffles et autres crissements de bocaux. Quatre albums sont édités par La Prise de Tête / Mexico (Eating the Squelch, Throat Performance, EuroTunner et Split Ceremony). En 2005, le netlabel Off&Green fait confiance au combo et publie Plasmatic, un album sombre et assez conceptuel finalement. 2006 est l'année de la sagesse pour The Crisding Bladading avec la sortie, toujours sur Off&Green, d'un sixième album, The Dominic Movies. En 2007, le septième album des CB portera le doux nom suivant : Despital Despitam. Tout un programme, en quelque sorte !The artists are also popular with our friends over at Netwaves/Netlabelism.
'Cause we like music. Not just electronic stuff, but all kinds of music. With 1bit wonder, we want to release what we think the world should have a chance to listen to. Style doesn't matter. It's just about our sense of good taste.enjoy.
"Unfortunately, cupid is no longer a friend of us, much the less a member of the collective. Besides, we have very little knowledge of the fleeting sexual preferences or status of our artists."I will post more info as it is released on the netlabel site, but for now, simply enjoy this treat. I could have chosen any track, but I liked the simple bass line groove on this one - a good appetizer for the release. Enjoy.
"Already a netlabel favorite, Melissa Welch is back at camomille with her second release, an 18 minute track that dwelves into many movements; dynamics are well-explored here as Melissa takes you through a multitude of tones and environments as the sound waves build paintings of childish constructions and deep, cavernous tunnels."Posting from Crescent City, California.
The cassette was recorded in Stead, Nevada, outside of Reno where we were living for a short time. Living on broke ends and with ample free time we used what we had around to make the cassette... turntable, 2 cassette decks, discman, VCR, radio shack mixer and the Roland MS-1 Phrase Sampler. All the sounds were sampled in on 8 touch pads on the Roland and while playing the song live by hitting the pads the output was sent to a cassette deck. Holding down the pads would repeat the loops which was nice and loop points were set before hitting record on the tape deck.If you have been appreciating the mixed bag that Subsystem and I present at this site, check out the site that got us both excited. Comfort Stand is no longer active, but it is a tremendous archive.
"Gorowski has been dabbling in electronic music production for around 6 years, after a long DJing career in the sunny town of Hull, UK. He began DJing and promoting club nights in 1990, and was one of the first promoters to stage live performances from Fila Brazillia, at the Silhouette Club in Hull (1992/3). Gorowski maintained contact with the Pork Recordings stable for the next decade and now DJs with the '(in)famous' Porky at the Vibe Bar in London. Gorowski and Porky run a monthly Friday night called 'Larkin Out' which has been voted 'Critics Choice' by London's Time-Out magazine on a number of occasions. The night provides Gorowski with an opportunity to play and test out some of his tuneage."This track reflects everything I love about experiencing fresh music. It is totally funky, energetic, beautiful, well constructed, exotica -- and you may not know this, but I love exotica.
Full of chanted and whispered vocals and an evocative, almost shoegaze-centric attitude to idm/electronics, 'Down With Ghosts' starts with the semi-conscious drawl of 'From A To Z', before the title track crosses subtle beats with drifting vocals, and things flow swiftly on.Ckid - Time Monsters
People have said that Flu makes samba pop, that he is psychedelic, or that he is modern. Words are not always the most exact way of defining sounds. Flu's new record is something to be listened to and tasted in all its richness before it is labeled or thrown into one of the many preconceived pigeon-holes of pop culture classification.Go get all thirteen tracks...this one is a keeper.