Today's selection was an editor's pick at ccMixter. The tune uses 'pellas posted by Calendar Girl as part of her Calendar Songs project. Her plan: "I WRITE ONE SONG A MONTH. YOU REMIX AND FEEDBACK. WE MAKE A RECORD."
Incoherent Mumble Train has posted his January and February remixes to ccMixter. February is sweet.
Calendar Songs began in October 2006. Everything on the Calendar Songs site carries a Creative Commons license. We are currently waiting for March.
Incoherent Mumble Train - February (Mumblemix)
i hope you will like it! bit stuck for inspiration at the moment. although today there was a freak hailstorm, and my grandma fell over picking primroses. luckily she is OK. best from cgirl xx
Strike the word "waiting" and replace it with "looking forward". Heard about the hail storm...I can remember an Easter hail storm when I lived in London...'75-'76...somewhere in the deep recesses of my memory.
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