Netlabelism is a website that promotes the Netlabel Movement in a number of different ways. They have the fantastic radio program,
Netwaves that is hosted by Radio Scorpio in Belgium. The show focuses on individual netlabels or communities and their CC music scenes. We broadcast
Netwaves on the BSWC mothership,
WBCR-LP at 11:00 Eastern immediately following our program. (We just broadcast #005 that contained a wonderful interview with Eloi Brunnelle from Epsilonlab in Montreal).
They also have a series of Netlabel charts that come with RSS feeds. They call the section on their web, "topbits" and it includes:
I have been enjoying watching the progress of artists that I'm familiar with as well as discovering those that are new to me. One of the former is Obsibilo. They have a release on the netlabel,
Sub-Machine.net called
Movie on the Moon [Subnet 014]. It is made up of four songs that hang together as a release very nicely. They have a cinematic feel that I find very appealing.
Netlabelism is highlighting the tune
Comme des Orages, but I'm drawn to another tune on the release,
Soixante-8. It has more of the dramatic tension I've been craving in my music lately.
The release notes for Movie on the Moon don't have much on the artist, but it was enough to get me listening:
"A whole universe of sounds that prompts a whole universe of images. Listening the Obsibilo is like suddenly becoming the star of a all lot of dark, glamorous and somewhat thrilling movies."
So, check out Netlabelism and their radio show, Netwaves and enjoy Obsibilo.
Obsibilo - Soixante-8