Black Sweater, White Cat is the home of the One-a-Day Project. BSWC puts a focus on Creative Commons or copyleft music from around the internet and the world. Playlists, podcast feed, links, topical posts, random thoughts. Thanks for listening.
Feb 28, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: los desgraciaus - Supernova
los desgraciaus - Supernova
Feb 27, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Tension (live featuring Audio Interference) at Frecuencias Alternas WRTU 89.7FM 042702

Here is some real life for you. Found it on I don't know much about the artists other than they laid this down live during Frecuencias Alternas, a radio show on a local alternative radio station at the University of Puerto Rico...that makes me happy. I've said enough. I'll let the piece speak for itself.
Hello from San Juan.
Tension (live featuring Audio Interference) at Frecuencias Alternas WRTU 89.7FM 042702
Feb 26, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Spheriot - Mindless

"...this is my peaceful and harmonic counterweight to the deconstruction of musical structures I do with my noise-project Zloty Dawai that you might download on WM Recordings as well."
Here is Mindless, enjoy.
Spheriot - Mindless
Feb 25, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Alet Meier and her pupils - Fon der choope

A little on the piece:
"Can recorders (soft sound) and saxes (loud sound) play together? Yes, if you arrange the music yourself and keep searching for the right key untill both instruments "click". World music(also klezmer) is very appreciated by pupils."A lovely bit of Klezmer for your Sunday.
Alet Meier and her pupils - Fon der choope
Photo credit: Uploaded to Flickr on June 28, 2006 by mary hodder
Feb 24, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Oilboy's Aftersun - A Love Bizarre

I'm a fan. In a protoOne-a-Day post I blogged about their release last year. Invariably, it is fast-paced with a disco inflection. They bill it as a "mixture of fine disco-house with latin beats and percussion."
Perhaps jumping the gun a bit the release notes also state that "Summertime is here again." It's Summer today at BSWC.
Oilboy's Aftersun - A Love Bizarre
Feb 23, 2007
BSWC 2.24.07: Going with

Enjoy the show.
As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.

Click here for iTunes
La Barca de Sua by LaBarcaDeSua
Jazz de Nuit by Kvaleoun
Blues national (marseillaise) by Birds of fire
Prométhée by Manra
Don-ki-Not (2003) by Antony Raijekov
Shiva by kolslok
free gun by fonetik
rash me by Grace Valhalla
Sans commentaire by Kaiser IK
Cyber love by Arietys
Space Off by Ben Othman
Kid Charlemania (part1) by KID CHARLEMAGNE
Kid Charlemania (part2) by KID CHARLEMAGNE
Daerden,c'est le Gainsbourg de la politique by 433 erOs
delete careful by black era
Sandjorda by Binaerpilot
Kashi-Koshi by Mad in H
Regim Liquid by REGIM LIQUID
Uber Action by psystamp
Feb 22, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Andy Lee - Sechs Achtel

Today's selection, Sechs Achtel, by Andy Lee (DJ TALES) is from the release "Third Exposure" - the 6th release from ExposedAudio, and the third various artist release. It is an excellent showcase of the talent represented by the label, every track interesting, crisp, and full. All of the work has been released into the Public Domain, a very good thing for mixters.
This track is very interesting. It progresses adding new sonic texture just often enough to keep the momentum without losing sight of its predominant theme. It builds to a crescendo that plays great in stereo - dancing back and forth, changing tempo, and delivering its themes with a tension that seems to express pent up energy/ maybe frustration. Then it slides down into a chattering finale. Excellent!! I hope you enjoy. Oh, and by the way, it is a big file. ;)
Andy Lee - Sechs Achtel
BSWC One-a-Day: L'Onomatopeur - Slap Violin

There's a little story: A year and a half ago, Subsystem sends me a link to this site called Jamendo. It's in French and takes me a little while to figure out what they are all about and then I have to get with the whole P2P thing since I hadn't hipped to torrents. Jamendo's delivery mechanism is based on torrents. (They have really come a long way since then with full translation and a ton of cool features).
Along comes L'Onomatopeur and I'm off to the races.
I've played cuts from this release on the show a bunch of times. Invariably, my blood pressure goes up a bit when I approach the point in the show where I need to pronouce the artist's name and I prepare to butcher it on air. I think I've gotten close twice. Shows you how much I appreciate the tunes when I keep dropping problematic pronunciations into my setlists. So here it is on the need to mangle it here.
Here's some info on the artist:
L'Onomatopeur was born in 1986 in Nantes, France. He only discovered electronic music at the age of thirteen by listening to artists such as Jean-Michel Jarre and Laurent Garnier. This quickly convinced him to get a drum machine and then a sampler at 16. He is among others influenced by English drum'n'bass and big-beat styles.Enjoy the tune.
L'Onomatopeur - Slap Violin
Feb 21, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Alland Byallo - 5th Avenue
Enjoy today's selection from San Fransisco based Alland Byallo. Deep, chill, smooth, clean, just what the doctor ordered.
Alland Byallo - 5th Avenue
Feb 20, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Nambavan - Otar Kushanashvile

There isn't really much I can add to this post other than to tell you that I love the concept of electro-disco with Russian doesn't get any better.
The release notes do give us a little on Nambavan:
Nowadays he works with his pc, a $80 guitar and a Casio keyboard. His musical diet consists of Blondie, the Sex Pistols, Cerrone, Sonic Youth, Jimi Hendrix, Iggy Pop, The Doors, Giorgio Moroder, Donna Summer, Madonna, Supermax, and the Bee Gees.And from MySpace:
At his home in Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, where few make their own music, Bilalov started out by enrolling in a music school to learn the guitar, but was expelled for not being able to remember songs.The world is a wonderful place.
Nambavan - Otar Kushanashvile
Feb 19, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Beak - Teach Texas Manners

This is another stream of time find, and the 180th release on Monotonik (a netlabel founded as "as an outlet for talented electronic musicians who weren't getting the attention they deserved"). Hard funky bass line, topped with an acoustic guitar, some strings, add in some electronica - shake it up - let it develop - and you've got Teach Texas Manners. Beak does you right.
Beak - Teach Texas Manners
Feb 18, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Try^d - You Are God

Try^d is a online musical collaborative with three releases and counting. The collaboration originally came out of and uses a CC license. [Update: My Bad, Try^d generally uses by-sa 2.5. Thanks to Mike Linksvayer for pointing out this error in the comments. In the original post I indicated that they were using a CC Public Domain license...that is the name of one of their works.]
The collaborative is loosely formed and is dedicated to "...building a body of 'open source music' which can be freely shared, copied, and remixed."
" welcome to the 'now age renaisssance'."
Try^d - You Are God
BSWC One-a-Day: Gigaboy - I Give Up

I Give Up comes from Comfort Stand, the venerable, retired netlabel. It appeared on CSR 062, Lady Bombon vs. Gigaboy. Like a diamond, it is amazing how you can spend time with Comfort Stand's catalog and find new facets with every turn.
The release notes have a short paragraph on Gigaboy:
Its purpose is to experiment in mixing popular music (or folk music) with electronic music. While Gigaboy's influences are wide-ranging, the project draws particularly on 70s folk rock and 90s electronic music.Enjoy this Sunday One-a-Day.
Gigaboy - I Give Up
Feb 17, 2007
BSWC 2.17.07: Taking the Train to Buffalo

Here is the playlist for the program this evening.
A couple of themes going on here. One, I put together much of the show during a train ride to Buffalo and found myself fascinated with the "I" section of my Itunes library. Look for the first person singular and figure that was train inspired.
The second theme was some new and released net music that came out during the week. Set 2 has an amazing remix from ccMixter by French mixter Ditto and the new Blocsonic compilation, "netBloc Volume 2 (DRM killed the music-product machine)", hit the streets this week. We have a number of pieces from that collection.
Enjoy the show.
As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.

Click here for iTunes
show me remix by LEGO
Believe Me by Christine Clement
ditto ditto by ditto
I like that! by Bep
I Give Up by Gigaboy
Hola (Floating Mix) by Realaze
One Call Left by New Delhi FM
ichikawa-shi, chiba by bhasmantam
Black Scorpion Dub by Finn the Giant
Ella in Gauze by Skipper
i want the princess! by fortyone
I was a fool by Mihai Popoviciu
Ika by Falik
Ctrl Minus Shift by Nedavine
Over Stress by Iconoclasticos
Straight Line (feat djnort) by Deborah
Frequency by Microtonner
Clear as Light (Tecnoman Remix) by MHz
Instrumentaal dink (Instrumental thing) by Dr Sjaak
hi tech sisters by sleepy town manufacture
BSWC One-a-Day: Giraffe - A Lot of History in a Very Short Time

Giraffe is from Santa Cruz, California. They record on the netlabel, 12Rec. They tag themselves as "alt-rock" with traditional rock elements placed unusual auditory territory. They are looking for new band members, "Passionate what-have-you players interested in the greater good of a band dedicated to making original music are needed!"
Blocsonic has a mission with these compilation and makes sure you know about it:
Music listeners' faith in the industry as a whole is decreasing all the time. At the same time, their awareness of netlabels is increasing. With that increased awareness is an opportunity for a new paradigm in music.Definitely download this release and enjoy these artists. Compilations are always a good entry point for netlabel music...some artists you like, some you don't. Also, tune into BSWC-The Show tonight...I'll have more from this release.
Giraffe - A Lot of History in a Very Short Time
Feb 16, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Ditto - Ditto Ditto

The remix uses the "Ana" acapella track while working in additional instrumentation that gives it a uptown sensibility. He develops the track so well that you think that artist and producer were in the same studio doing real-time collaboration.
Mixter Gurdonark had this to say about the track:
This really captures the feel of the vocal. The way you build in the instruments into the mix is impressive. The sound quality is great. This is an excellent mix. the backing and the lead both fit into the rhythm so well. Lots of complexity,but the mix does not seem too busy. It stays real. Welcome to the mixter.Nice work, Ditto. We look forward to hearing more.
Ditto - Ditto Ditto
Photo Credit:
Original image: 'A kind of magic ....'
by: Ferdinand Reus
Released under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License
Feb 15, 2007
BSWC Video: Unnecessary Revolution - Sound is Fiction
BSWC One-a-Day: Echoes - JCougarMellensong

Today's selection is from the netlabel, Mr. Furious Records which according to their MySpace page was founded with a mission of documenting "a rock scene with seeds in Crete, Nebraska." They release all of their self-described DIY-punk rock/indie material on
Be a Ska Rat is the name of the release where you can find this tune. It is by an artist known as Echoes. This is what we know about the artist:
Tape / echoes is howie howard’s one-man band plus a rotating cast of collaborators / co-conspirators. A study and practice in the possibilities of three minutes, a melody, and a guitar. Current thizzle-down headquarters in Raytown (KC), Missouri, ex-Minneapolis, MN, nee-Crete, NE.
I'm pleased to be able to present this tune and glad to make it part of the BSWC collection.
Echoes - JCougarMellensong
Feb 14, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Otis Fodder - My Valentine
Not a lot to say today, on a big deadline... powered by coffee , a blizzard in Great Barrington, and cc music!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Otis Fodder - My Valentine
Feb 13, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Mr. Wednesday - The Cargo Doors Have Requested Our Cooperation

These guys are from Adelaide, South Australia and the tune is featured on the latest Silent Ballet: Volume 3 compilation that was released on February 7th on the netlabel, Lost Children. Today's selection is from a Mr. Wednesday release called The Garden Where Parties Grow and was released this past December in Australia.
Mr. Wednesday is a pretty big ensemble and their sounds are pretty big, but with a understated, laid-back kind of style. The players include: Moon -Vocals; Dunc - Keys/Samples/Bass; Eamon - Guitar; Mano - Drums/Percussion; Luke - Bass/Trumpet; Felicity - Cello; Lucy - Violin; Ishan - Viola; and Levon - Visuals.
The release notes describe their approach:
"As an (expandable) five piece, Mr Wednesday peels back the veneer of the 9 to 5 grind - channelling the well trodden pavement, the bone white fluorescence and the cacophony of souls trapped in ever shrinking micromanaged spaces; to reveal the soft beating beauty that still dwells within us all."
Enjoy our tune of the day. Oh, and if you are in Adelaide on March 18th Mr. Wednesday is playing at the Crown and Anchor Hotel at 8:00 pm.
Mr. Wednesday - The Cargo Doors Have Requested Our Cooperation
Feb 12, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: WhiteRoom - Papillons

The track from their self titled album that I chose for today's post is Papillons, I assume after the papillon, a dog marked by its butterfly like ears. This track has all of the energy of a thousand butterflies tempered by mellow vocals and kept steady with skilled instrumentation. The music is tough to nail to a specific genre, the influences being all over the road. 90s pop / break beat / Beatles / Eastern ethnic / ambient piano. Speaking of butterflies, sounds like Joe Frank buried in the background murmuring about white butterflies too beautiful to imagine.
The description "a firm foundation of Introspective Indie Rock while drifting fluidly between latin jazz, urban beats, haunting trip-hop and romantic cinema sound-scapes" hits the mark pretty well. I bet WhiteRoom is great live.
Enjoy this track, and I'd suggest downloading the whole album. Licensed as Attribution, ShareAlike , I hope that somebody takes an interest in a remix or two. Papillons is just a start.
WhiteRoom - Papillons
Feb 11, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: dubdentist - "Ana" (Dub Dentist Pan Global Remix)

Vieux Farka Touré is currently on tour in North America (Friday he played in Manhattan and last night he was in Toronto). He is the son of the late international superstar and two-time Grammy Award-winner Ali Farka Touré. Both Touré and the label that produces his music are working on social issues on the African continent with 10 percent of album proceeds going towards Bée Sago which is an organization that specializes in production and distribution of insectided-treated mosquito netting to children and pregnant mothers in Mali.
A representative of Touré's production company, Modiba Productions, had this to say about the competition:
"One of Modiba's central goals as an organization is collaboration, the expansion of boundaries to bring in new ideas and approaches through working together in an open and dynamic way. The Creative Commons project is a perfect example of this, and we look forward to bringing more talented and inspired minds to further explore the sounds of Vieux Farka Touré."If you are a Mixter, then get over there to ccMixter and do your thing. If you are like me, simply sit back and enjoy the show.
dubdentist - "Ana" (Dub Dentist Pan Global Remix)
Feb 10, 2007
BSWC 2.10.07: Making a Stand for Comfort

Here is the playlist for BSWC 2.10.07. It just feels right. First hour has some classic Comfort Stand material...They don't call it Comfort Stand for nothing.
Thanks to Uwe Herrman for pointing the way to Ror-shak. Golden Cage is the final song in Set 5...Just ask me about set 5.
Enjoy the show.
As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.
Click here for iTunes
Snow Is Falling by Georgia & August Greenberg
Walk on the Fire by Edith Frost
Bunnyrabbits, Satan, Cheese And Milk by Stark Effect
Bobby_Baby_-_Bobby_Ruperts_High_Voltage_Disco_Remi... by Bobby Baby
Chekili Lounge Oud Vs. Fawzi Chekili by Ben Othman
This Is The First Track (The Beginnings Of Music, ... by Otis Fodder
Like A Virgin by The Apartment
Contact 1 2 3 4 by Messer Chups
the spank (cycletribe - leftmix remix) by geistfrei
The Persuaders Dub by Dr Kuch
St. Petersburg by Bersarin-Quartett
entweder terence hill by trondheim
Golden_Cage by Ror-shak
Clint in the Eye by Gorowksi
Mondo's Disco by Gorowksi
Intelligencia Test (feat. Sam-A) by Monsieur Z
This is BEATUNDERCONTROL! by Beatundercontrol
Red alert ! by Atomic cat
Robot Wars by Binarpilot
BSWC One-a-Day: Qeshi - Moshi Moshi Qeshi!

The venerable Monotonik released this collection called The Eudemonic Homunculus [mtk154]. Qeshi is Swedish and has spent time in Tokyo studying Japanese, working his chops and doing some very interesting video work.
The release notes have this to say:
But who's Qeshi? Currently studying in Japan, you may have heard of him from his two tracks that were featured on one of Lee 'Metamatics' Norris' 'Cottage Industries' compilations on the excellent Neo-Ouija label, as well as his Flash videos that seems to be rather popular over at NewGrounds, and this album only extends his complex, gorgeous idm sound even further.I'm happy. Hope you're happy too.
Qeshi - Moshi Moshi Queshi
Feb 9, 2007
BSWC Video: Atomic Cat - A Kiss From A Falling Angel
From Montpellier, France. Look for Atomic Cat in Set 8 of BSWC 2.10.07.
BSWC One-a-Day: Jurek Raben - Dream On
Ambient;Trance;House - this is cool funky track, and yet another dig around find. Tasty, clean, rich and warm I liked it immediately, and although there are three other remixes of this original posted on the Single Release, I am a sucker for the source.
Jurek Raben is a software developer, web designer, and music maker. He has developed several cool looking web server applications like Apacheman (no direct link, you can find more on his website) which is a user based apache file manager. He also develops VST effects and synths.
And you can find a bunch of CC licensed Jurek by following this simple search.
I hope you enjoy.
Juerk Raben - Dream On
Feb 8, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Fauve - 3 Magic Words

He returned home to begin his British career with the off-shore pirate station, Wonderful Radio London and the rest is history. He was stricken during a trip to Peru in October of 2004 and passed away at the age of 65 after a truly marvelous career.
The netlabel, Tribute to John Peel, was created to honor his memory with a series of tribute releases. This is a fabulous collection that you can find at It is varied and there are some very special finds throughout the 7 releases (#7 was released in September 2006).
The tune 3 Magic Words is from the September 2006 release and is a nice piece of exotica set in among the 12 tunes on the tribute compilation. The release notes have this to say about Fauve:
FAUVE is Geneva-born Nicolas Juilliard. After several band projects, he decided to go solo in order to be more free to express his talents of songwriter and composer. His work is a charming mix of easy-listening, bossa-nova, pop and electro.Go and explore the 7 John Peel tribute releases. There truly is something for everyone.
Fauve - 3 Magic Words
Feb 7, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Tomas Phusion - Ophelia's Symphony

I have selected a treatment by Tomas Phusion. He is from England and along with his work at ccMixter has a number of releases at the very cool netlabel, DiSfish. He has put together a nice release of 11 of his ccMixter remixes that is available at DiSfish. He also has a video of his tune Bonjour Ma Chere at YouTube.
He describes his approach to music on his DiSfish page:
Started creating music about 15 years ago on one of those small battery powered Casio keyboards cos it was all I could afford. I rigged up some mics to its speaker and layered the tracks down 1 after another on my mums 2 tape beat box, got my first sequencer about 2 years later and knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.I love it when two artists that I love and admire come together in such a wonderful way.
Tomas Phusion - Ophelia's Symphony
Feb 6, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Camp - Dramatic

My first exposure to Camp was through one of my favorite CC releases, the netlabel alpinechic's alpination. They start the collection with an excellent high energy, high synth track: The War Goes On which was featured on cc365, Day 232.
Enjoy this track, and if you enjoy it there are albums for sale on alpinechic and directly from Camp's site.
Camp - Dramatic
Feb 5, 2007
BSWC Video: Musetta - Catch-22
From a live performance at the MEET2BIZ$HOP (I'm thinking Milan, Italy) a few weeks ago...Musetta is Marinella Mastrosimone (vocals) and Matteo Curcio (music). This is the duo responsible for Ophelia's Song and BSWC listeners will be familiar with the haunting vocals of Marinella Mastrosimone. We started playing Ophelia's Song over a year ago and now with the Musetta samples at ccMixter we have a wealth of wonderful remixes that we can enjoy.
I understand that the video for Ophelia's Song debuted last Sunday. I can't wait to see it.
BSWC One-a-Day: Dr. Frankenstein - Cat's Eyes

I guess I'll start with a retro-surf band from Portugal called Dr. Frankenstein. They released a six tunes under the name "The Cursed Tapes" that they had recorded 10 years before they got to the internet. In the years following recording these tunes, the band has gone through the usual ups and downs. They have survived and are going strong.
Oh, and did I mention that we like the cat theme?
Dr. Frankenstein - Cat's Eyes
Feb 4, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: The Crevulators - Anything You Want

Today's post was released on the netlabel You are Not Stealing Records, created by the Portuguese band Stealing Orchestra in 2001. Punk rockabilly, country, blues, I don't care what you call it, The Crevulators have that sound! Hailing from Brooklyn, New York, they are Mickey "Cobulator" Cobb, Gregg "Hellfire" Hillje, and Ross "Jibba-Jabba" Jacobs.
The Crevulators - Anything You Want
Feb 3, 2007
BSWC 2.3.07: Some ccMixter, Some Bevlar and a Whole Lot of Fun

Here is the playlist for this evening's program. Pretty much a mix of two elements:
I went with a bunch of ccMixter remixes 'cause I had a bunch saved up that I wanted to play. Some of the tunes come from lists that I got from a few of the mixters themselves...things that they really liked.
The Bevlar material stems from the fact that after three years of putting out great material they wrapped it up this week. If you have not delved into their catalogue, then follow the link out of here and check them out.
As always, if you are reading this sometime between 9 and 11 pm Eastern (-5 Greenwich) on Saturday night you can listen to our stream.
If you don't hear it live, then you can always subscribe to the podcast feed:
Here is the feed.
Click here for iTunes
ophelia´s next goodbye by audiomesh
Brilliant (ft. KCentric, Lisa Debenedictis) by teru
Lullaby by _ghost
State Of Every Day Madness (strings and things mix... by cdk
Castle Of Serenades by Pat Chilla The Beat Gorilla
Smile by Gurdonark
Blowing Snow by MarcoRaaphorst
Sleep Alone by xTheOutsiderx
HumTheBeat by Girl Boy Moog
Run to waste by Dysmusax
Kicksnare by Dan & Moe
Baby Lemonade by Nattvaktaren & Moe Lodin
Zigong Blues by Mark Harms
Naked dub by Confused Man
wearing nothing but attitude by baroquedub
Lovehate by May Nilsson
Kokoro Koro Koro (Peter Sonnert Remix) by On An Ocean Amp
Easy Care Suicide (Club) by Peter Sonnert
Traveling Alone (ft. Monsterbaby) by DJ BLUE
PodeQueimar (ft. Delve) by altcontroldelete
Listen, Pay Attention, Keep Your Head Up (ft. Taps... by teru
Don't Miss The Great Snatch (Copyright Criminals M... by The Evolution Control Committee
coast to coast-DU-remix by jlang
Over His Heart (Mashtronic Remix) by The Adjuster
BSWC One-a-Day: Nattvaktaren & Moe Lodin - Baby Lemonade

Of course, it helps that I like both Kraftwerk and The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. This is Nattvaktaren and Moe Lodin's take on Baby Lemonade which first appeared on Barrett's 1970 solo release, Barrett.
Bevlar, the netlabel that released it on the occasion of Syd Barrett's death last year is from Sweden and unfortunately released it's last music yesterday at Sad, yes, but for three years there they were going strong with some really fabulous material. Tonight's BSWC Radio Show with have a strong Bevlar imprint. Tune in to the show or subscribe to the's going to be fun.
Nattvaktaren & Moe Lodin - Baby Lemonade
Feb 2, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Sam Pull - My Cat is Invinceble
I'm really bad at categories, but a post at the Essay Collective yielded this bit of information about Sam Pull: "Break Byte, Drum n Bass, Liquid Funk and Intelligent Jungle can be expected."
I got a little more information from the release page at Yellow Bop:
All production and music by Sam Pull. In December 2005. Dedicated to W3 - Women 3 Consortium, the most sweet and loving trio. All my luv. Thanks to Mr. Varga for the... "inspiration".I dig the sound and we relate to cat-themed products around here, so enjoy...
Sam Pull - My Cat is Invinceble
Feb 1, 2007
BSWC One-a-Day: Dorothy's Magic Bag - Ghost Ride

But, what I found on my search (scouring caught my fancy in a big big way. Track after track of delightful, playful, energetic, and electric audio paradise. Off of Candy Mind Release CANDY00021, Dansmosaik, I chose Ghost Ride for your listening pleasure.
"We on Candy Mind had not heard about it before Dorothy's Magic Bag brought one home comming back from a trip to Mozambique. There, a secret tribe of voodoo-dancers taught him the even more secret art of... dansmosaik."Damn, this track grooves. "Live people are so boring. I like much better the dead. I love being on the cemetery, with the ground close to my head."
Dorothy's Magic Bag - Ghost Ride